Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heritage Mommy Memory Page
Progress inside Oakridge House
Last night I was Cruising my Blog list and saw that Mitsybelle had another Free QP. So of course I snagged it! Oh then I just had to have this Bloom kit! ( sale price $3.50) Good thing I CT for her! LOL As soon as I saw the QP I knew I just had to search through my pics on the EHD to find a Heritage Photo. This one of my mom when she was a child works so well. About the making of the page. I started with a new Document 8x8 by 300 dpi slide the QP in it and started wiggling it around. Then I slipped the matching paper behind it and blended the 2 together. Next came the picture in the middle of the sandwich. Of course the picture didn't fit. Ugh, so I cloned the BG a little and filled in the empty space. Then I had to make the page my own so I added some roses for my mom. next I grabbed the frame that match the one on the QP and put it right on top of the original frame so as to tuck the roses behind the frame. Then there was the journal box, simple as pie! Drop the rope frame onto the LO grab some paper, recolor it cut a smaller shape out with the marquee tool (one of my favorite tools now) drag it to the LO and slide it behind the rope frame. Grab the eraser tool and go around the Journal paper just inside the outer edge of the rope. Check for strays with the eraser tool and move on. Journal the page and add all the drop shadows. Now see how easy that was. LOL Why did it take me all evening and into the morning to do it. Hmmmmm
Progress Inside The Oakridge House
George is coming to fix the heater and I have a Honey Do List for him LOL It seems that I need a place to park my New Internet antenna, Computer speakers & EHD. I have a Shelf planned an it needs to go in the corner of the wall I am trying to finish. So today was Texture Day! Al was so Sweet and took this picture. Ah proof I did the work not a little fairy that stopped by. LOL As you can see I made a mess all over my pretty smooth wall. Not to worry because paint is coming in the near future and it will be all pretty then. :0)

1 comment:

Darlene Haughin said...

Hey my friend! Look at you, with your projects going on. Poor George has a Honey Do list. You should see my Honey Do list - my hubby is a General Contractor so you don't even want to see his list (all big projects!). Take care - love the layout with Mistybelle's new kit.