Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Huge Project!
Its Raining and we are replacing the front of the Rental House. It seems that when the last renter had the door kicked in, (2 years ago) it created a leak that took out the lower side of the house. So a quick weekend job of replacing the front door turned into so much more! Lots of work to do but it will have to wait until next weekend. Thanks to the LOWES Version of Tyvek the house is sealed until next weekend. I just love the new look of the front door! It adds so much character to the rental. We picked another door just like it for the back of the house, hopefully that project will only be a one day. The lesson learned is that the next time the door is kicked in the renter will be paying to have it replaced immediately. Oh to find a responsible Mature Adult that appreciates a nice house inside and out. We Can Dream even in this economy.

Ta Ta For Now! Hopefully a memory page will pop on to my laptop and make me a Happy Camper!

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